Thursday, September 21, 2006

SMS-ing KY

SMS-ing KY is like Blogging.

You can pour out eveything you want,
And be quite sure that someone reads it.
You can never count on getting a reply,
But somehow you'll still feel better.

She must have prayed for me =)

as year end approaches, i'm reminded of how we used to dream together, pray together, sleep together, retreat together, cry together... and just as we get desperate, God shows us the plans for the kids.

will anyone do that with me this year? will God give me strategic wisdom? and all the skills and foresight that i lack? and help me back into passionate love again?
i feel weak, but he is strong. my wisdom is his foolishness.
and i won't let my inadequacies get in the way.
God, help me please?

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