Sunday, June 10, 2007

Funny Genealogy Anatomy Psychology

Was talking with kor and khian about feet...

and we realized the three of us had the same weird thoughts about feet and toes:

Our Big Toe feels like it should be the second toe.
The Second Toe is secretly the third toe.
Coz the heel is somehow secretly the Big Toe.
The Last toe is definitely the last toe.
The third and fourth toes are confused.

We've never discussed this before, but we three, independantly, had the same thoughts and feelings!

So we checked with munch, and he gave us a perplexed, "errr...i think you are all weird but i shan't be rude and say that" look, and said he never felt that way about his toes and feet.

Y'know, what we learn about family trees and soul ties and all that...
It could be more real than you think.

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