Saturday, June 30, 2007

Ambitious Me

it's funny that when we speak of HQ-postings and pursuing a masters' , many assume it is a career-building move. Career-building??? i'm not playing snakes and ladders with my life. For me, it's not about who gets to be a millionaire first. It's not about who gets promoted first.

I'm not one who craves for power and more work, but i DO want to change the world. So if power and work will enable me to change the world, then fine. If not, forget it. i'd rather be a tai-tai.

I believe my Commander has given me a fight-post where i am to be stationed. I have a current station, and ahead of me, according to his wisdom, he has planned perhaps a couple more.
He knows what i am good at, what i'm not. So if God hasn't chosen that spot for me, i don't want it. When He gives me a position, it's because there is work to be done there. so i must be constantly preparing, learning, alert. I need to be always learning (and here's where the Masters' program comes in), so when i get there, i have what it takes to get the job done. I don't want the title to be a shell.

Not that i have no ambition. Just that positions and titles are not my goals.
It's bigger than that, you see.
I want to change the world.

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