Sunday, January 31, 2010

Oh phew!

Was suddenly unwell last Tuesday night, and spent the entire night throwing up.
Threw up so many times, i stopped counting (it was more than 10).
Threw up so many times there was no food left, no bile left, (almost) no water left in my tummy.

I seriously hate vomitting. I hate the giddy feeling. I had congratulated myself that i wouldn't be having any more of it, now that i'm past the child-bearing stage (haha), but i guess i forgot that there are other things that make one puke.

The Doctor palpated my stomach and asked, "Have you had your period?"
"Any possibility you are pregnant?"
I vehemently declared it was impossible, but a seed of fear had been planted... WHY did she ask such a question AFTER feeling my stomach? Did she feel something - like a water bag, or a little kick perhaps?

Then the other signs came fast and furious.

I was bloated and gassy.
I was extremely sensitive to smell.
I had pineapple tart craving - and they had to be the rectangular golden-pillow type.
I was a little more forgetful and blur.
I was still nausea after almost 5 days.
I noticed new hair popping out on my scalp, as if on preggy-hormones again.
I teared watching the Ukraine Got Talent video that Danny sent out.
I, together with a heavily pregnant colleague, did not feel cold during a meeting, where others were complaining how chilly it was.
I was tired and milk flow was slow.

I wiki-ed and found out that our contraceptive method had 2% preggy rate when used perfectly, and a 10% -18% average preggy rate.
And all along i thought i was 99% safe.

With great trepidition, i rushed off to Watsons to get a test kit.

Tested, and it was negative! *cue Hallelujah Chorus*

Husband and i are now gonna celebrate with Moscato and cheese.

After that, we would probably be going to bed with Celeste sleeping between us.

I bet that is an even better contraception than Durex.

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