Saturday, January 09, 2010

Back to life. Back to reality. Back to to Brand New Old Me!!!

It's been a crazily tiring and hectic week in school, but in a way, it feels good.

The last time i started the year un-pregnant was back in 2007. Starting 2010 with a fit, healthy body REALLY feels good.

I like the feeling that i can plunge right in. I like the feeling of "knowing" that whatever can/needs to be done, I can do. I like the feeling that whatever i am passionate about, i can pursue, without that ever-present Troublesome Trio of Tired, Nausea, Fragile hovering around, telling me to just settle for survival.

It feels so good that i've changed my mind about my ideal family size yet again. Remember 2 months ago, i wanted 4 kids? Now i think I'll stop at 2.
I know, i keep changing my mind. Now, even Munch doesn't take my "decision" seriously anymore. He reckons i'll someday change my mind again, so he's not panicking.

Anyway, along with the new surge of energy, i've got new hopes and plans for the new year! So for the first time in 3 years, i actually have new year resolutions! =)

I was telling munch about one of my ex-students who had a difficult family life, got into lots of trouble in school, and did badly in the exams. Munch mentioned "These types just need to be close to one teacher...."
And i started crying in the middle of busy Serangoon Central.
Wasn't this why i gave up a lucrative career to become a teacher? To be that "one teacher" to students such as him? 3 years ago, wouldn't i have noticed, and gone through hell and high waters to befriend him?
Since when have i started to rue the fact that i'm always given classes with "difficult" students? Since when have i started to demand for good "discipline structures and systems" in school instead of focusing on MY job of being that "one teacher"?
So Resolution Number One - go out of my way to be personal and close to my students. ESPECIALLY the ones that are having a difficult time.

Passionate and Purposeful
Now that the Troublesome Trio aren't hanging around, I'm jumping right in!
I'm gonna be into each moment, into each project, into each task!
I'm NOT gonna be calculating, counting cost, conserving energy and just trying to survive.
And... here comes the best part.... WE'RE DOING COMMUNITY OUTREACH AGAIN!!!!!!!! =) =) =)
One (smug) little part of me is going ,"There, i knew it! So much for the 10 year plan, I know better! God wouldn't let us sit around for so long and wait 5 years to do CP!"
But that's just a small part. The rest of me is screaming YESSSSS!!!
Children are gonna love knowing Jesus, children are gonna find a trustworthy Friend and Saviour and Guide. And when the children sing and worship and pray, God's gonna love it soooooooooo much!

oh u just can't imagine how that makes me feel. =) =) =)

No more grumbling and complaining. That's a preggy's prerogative and i ain't one no more!!

To the year ahead! Cheers! =)


alvincrew said...

Although i'm not that "one student" who needed that "one teacher" but i must say that every teacher who taught me back in my sec 4 and 5 days really inspired me a big bunch.

It was you guys who helped change 'difficult students' to unbelievable underdogs.

We might be just yet another student from the thousand others. But remember, you are the one and only POA teacher we had, imprinted forever in our high school memories.

yangshuyanfaith said...

Alvin, you forgot Mdm Dianah!!!
