She really knows how to get herself out of trouble.
When adults are trying to correct her, she knows exactly the right answer.
Adult: Glory, can you hit?
Glory: Noooo. (shakes her head and wags a finger emphatically)
Adult: What happens when you hit?
Glory: Friend pain pain. Cannot hit.
Adult: Say sorry to XX.
Glory: Sorry XX. Sayang.
Then what else is there to say right??
Or check out this other tactic:
Munch: Glory, DO NOT pull papa's spectacles!
Glory: M-u-a-a-k!(Cups papa's face in her hands and kisses papa on the lips)
Win already lor!
But as much as Munch and I secretly laugh over Glory's funny naughty antics, we are determined to raise well-behaved, sociable, polite, discerning, upright, compassionate, respectful children.
So we went to the library to do some research on how best to outsmart this baby.
Raising your spirited child -
a guide for parents whose child is more intense, sensitive, perceptive, persistent, energetic.
Parenting with reason -
evidence-based approaches to parenting dilemmas.
Parking lot rules and 75 other ideas for raising amazing children.
The Happiest Toddler on the block -
The new way to stop the daily battle of wills and raise a secure and well-behaved one - to four-year-old
The no-cry discipline solution-
gentle ways to encourage good behaviour without whining, tantrums and tears.
Positive Discipline for preschoolers-
raising children who are responsible, respectful and resourceful
I refuse to raise a brat -
straightforward advice on parenting in an age of overindulgence.
The titles and tag-lines all sound so promising right! Well, hopefully we'll pick up some good strategies and ideas that'd work!
We got to work immediately, and here's what we've learnt today:
1. When she's angry, help her to find an acceptable way to express her anger. Glory's way is her infamous "TaBAH!". We told her that when she says TaBAH, she should put her hands on her hips instead of other children.
2. Give positive labels. This is similar to what we do in school when writing comments in report books ;)
Look at every trait positively. For example, i have an assertive and charismatic child.
Gotta go read some more now!
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