Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The name of my next child

Haha, prophetic or what! Was looking at our wedding vows (our 2nd anniversary is coming up!!) and realized we've decided on the names of our kids way back in 2006!

The Vow
I, Shuyan, take you, Wencong, to be my husband and closest friend from this day on.
I promise to respect you, honour you and to submit to you, as to the Lord.
I will love you, care for you and encourage you.
I commit to be your helper and faithful companion through the seasons of life,
And to build with you a loving household that will bring glory and pleasure to our Lord Jesus Christ.
I will be yours in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, through joys and sorrow.
As long as we both shall live, I am yours.

My next child's called Pleasure!

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