Saturday, November 01, 2008

Glory Likes...

Glory likes listening to adults' conversations

listening to aunty juliana @ globetrotters
(in a high chair for the first time!)
Glory likes to master new skills
(or rather, Mummy likes to make Glory sit on high chair coz she looks so grown up)

o-kay... i've practiced enough, Mama.
enough le hor.
Glory likes to read
Say Hello to the Baby Animals!
It's a nice book, with furry animals we can touch,
and the story ends with the Baby Lion curling up to sleep with Mama!
ok... i added that in...
Glory likes sleeping on her side

what's with the hand...making kawaii pose for the camera even when asleep. must have learnt from aunty eliz when in mummy's womb.

Glory likes Aunty Miffy...

and is happy for her & uncle!! =)

Glory loves Godpa & Godma!!!
(Mama loves 'em too and wants Glory to inherit their passion, compassion and faith!)
Glory likes pumpkin... not
she seems to prefer spinach actually.
And finally, yet another unrelated picture... i just think she looks pretty here. =)

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