Monday, October 20, 2008

19th October 2008: On Her Tummy!

Glory flipped over to her belly last night!
We put her inchworm a distance away and she kept trying to reach for it... many attempts were REALLY close. Munch and i watched in anticipation.
"She's gonna make it real soon!" Munch commented, "Maybe tomorrow... haiz, we won't be around to see it. How?"
"We could take childcare leave for a week..."
i went off to brush my teeth, still watching her cute attempts. Reach-reach-reach-flop back. Reach-reach-reach-give up.
Have to let her experience success, i thought. perhaps i should push the inchworm closer to her so that she'll manage to grab it. i stepped closer.

And then it happened.

Glory looked around with a very pleased expression.
"Oh look at me!" She seemed to say, "I did it, i'm on my tummy, with no help!"
Toothbrush in my foaming mouth, i congratulated her and burst into my parents' room, gesticulating frantically. They seemed to understand coz they all rushed over.

Ooh baby, i'm so proud of you!
You're so cute!
And i'm so intoxicated by your disarming smile and pretty eyes and milk breath and amusing chuckles, i think i can smell you even when i'm at work.
i'm so addicted to hugging you, i'm finding it hard to do anything!

Clockwatching's bad Bad BAD, but i'm counting down.... can't wait to be home with you again, you funny cutey sweetie pie!

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