Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The insomnia seems to be back again...
It's been three sleepless nights.


I want to sleep.

I miss the wonderful feeling of stretching after a good night's rest.
Feeling the tiredness of the previous day dissipate.
Feeling the contentment of a night of peace and warm fuzzy comfort.

But these mornings, it's aching legs and tired mind.
And some residual irritation of numerous failed attempts to sleep,
of hearing that beeping phone, as if i needed to be awakened.
Beeping chirpily as if it marked the end of rest,
when all it marked is the beginning of more toil that would lead to more tiredness that would lead to...
still no sleep.

I want to sleep.

But i guess i have to live with it for now.
I will survive. After all, i DID survive for a month on 2 hours sleep per night back in NIE.
Living on coffee and mascara, we called it.
No coffee for now, but good thing mascara's not banned for preggies.

I just need to be loony-tired, instead of tensed-up-tired.
You know, how sometimes lack of sleep makes you laugh and act silly? Living in a perpetual high? Life's more fun that way.

So all ya'll, don't count on me. Go take care of yerself.
I'm gonna be mad for awhile. I'm gonna be irresponsible and undependable and forgetful and i'm gonna ignore you if you aren't cute/ charming/ sweet/ beautiful/ giving me money.

Or so i say.


( disclaimer: but if you really need help, u really wanna talk, it's really my duty, dun worry... i'm ok. still can de. )

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