Saturday, October 27, 2007

A morning conversation with my Potter

Woke up this morning feeling rested. Upon checking the clock, i realized i managed to sleep for almost 4 continuous hours! Plus, I wasn't feeling pukey, i actually felt well!! Happily thanked God.

I wanted to nudge the sleeping munch and ask him, "Ay, Righteous Man, you prayed for me ah?"

But I felt God calling me to speak with Him first.

So i struggled with God. Over my heart.
He won.
I asked Him to add water to my hardened clay. There were so many unyielding knots. Yet, I know He IS the potter. I am the clay.
Can i say to Him, "Please, i don't want to be used in hard labour. I don't want to be something that doesn't see fruits fast. I want it to be just fun and light work."?
No. He is the potter.

So i confessed my unyieldedness and put myself into His hands.

Will settled, and heart surrendered, I asked Him about ministry.

He gave me 3 + 3 persons to love.

What does that mean?

Do first, then I'll understand.

(ermmmm... so, please dun ask me yet kae? thanks for your patience so far...)

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