Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Lemongrass Overdose

On Monday, i stepped into the staff room and was hit by yet another pang of Phuket nostalgia.... I even thought i could smell the lemongrass!
The smell was so real that i could follow its trail like a bloodhound...
and i found this.

the Staff Welfare Committee put an air-purifier in the staffroom.
And... The scent du jour was Lemongrass!!I was elated!

Did someone in SWC read my blog/MSN display name mind ? hmmm...
(hehehe, yes, the world revolves around me)

Happily, i borrowed the bottle and added a little to my homeroom air-purifier too!
Was great for a while. Ever so often, i would stand near the air purifier and take several deep breaths.
Instant getaway.

Sadly, barely 2 days passed, and the Magic of Lemongrass has been destroyed.
Now, the smell simply fades into the background of my consciousness, and when i strain to catch a whiff of it, it no longer invokes memory of a sweet holiday, but just... well, staff room and home room and provision for doubtful debts.


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