Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I long...

"And if I'm laden at all, if I'm laden with sadness
That everyone's heart isn't filled with the gladness
of love for one another"

i long for a world full of love,
that every word is spoken in love and with love,
where there is never any ill-intent, hidden swords,
nor any misunderstandings.
Where every discouragement and every hurt
does not manifest and hurt others,
but is resolved, healed, made right.

until that world comes,
can we break out of that downward spiral?
when hurt throbs in our hearts, can we still love?
when words pierce our hearts, can we still love, still care, still pray for them?
can we look beyond what is said and done, and see their pain and anguish?
find out what has hurt them and is causing them to act the way they do?
can we still act in their interests, instead of fending for ourselves?

can't everything be sorted out through understanding and love?
surely no one sets out to be evil?
when hearts meet, won't everything be out in the open?
... will hearts meet?...

always thought a suicide bomber can be loved out of his hatred.
always thought a robber or a rapist could be persuaded by love.
i've been told i'm naive
but really i believe.

meanwhile we may be drained, trampled upon, maligned.
yet we can't vent as and when we want to coz it may hurt others.
i believe if everyone loves his neighbour as himself, we would break out of that downward spiral of hurt and disappointment and anger.
we have to limit the manifestations of our own hurts for the benefits of others.
it's so hard,
but jesus said follow him

hard act to follow, but the holy spirit empowers.

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