Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Will Boycotts Work?

Do you think, if everybody in Singapore boycotts cabs during the peak hours, the cab drivers will complain to the cab companies and the cab companies will reverse the hike in peak hour surcharge?

It has been my secret hope, so i've been trying to avoid cabbing during peak hours ever since the hike. And somehow, seeing cabs with the available sign lit up made me secretly gleeful, as if my secret plan was working and they would soon start regretting the terrible thing they have done to poor folks. (yeah, i know it's not the cabdrivers' fault, but they'll have to be a pawn in this evil game)

But... oooh.. i'm so ashamed of this... i betrayed the Secret Society of Cab Boycotters (SSCB) yesterday. Was procrastinating and nua-ing and working (to a small extent) yesterday till i couldn't possibly reach circuit road on time without cabbing... and it was 7pm.... THE DREADED PEAK HOUR!!!

It's sad the way i don't stick to the Code of Conduct for SSCB members.

At first, i pledged to boycott all cabs. But... alas, procrastination and slumber and newspaper-coffee-and-bread mornings have forced me to succumb.

So i succumbed a little, and told myself, i will at least boycott Comfort cabs. But when no other cabs were spotted in my ulu seletar area, i succumbed yet again.

And i said, well, at least i won't take cabs during the peak hour! I thot that this covenant would be quite manageable since i usually only take cab to church and kidz club and these are off-peak hours. But yesterday....

Sigh... i am sorry SSCB. I'll try harder.

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