Sunday, August 27, 2006

Brightonites Alert!

The Devil's "Beatitudes"
"Blessed" are thoses who are too tired, too busy, too distracted to spend an hour once a week with their fellow Christians.
-- They are my best workers.

"Blessed" are those who think they can live without God's Word.
-- I can tell them whatever I please.

"Blessed" are those Christians who wait to be asked and expect to be thanked.
-- I can use them.

"Blessed" are the touchy who stop going to church.
-- They are my missionaries.

"Blessed" are the trouble makers.
-- They shall be called my children.

"Blessed" are the complainers.
-- I am all ears to them.

"Blessed" are those who are bored with the pastors' mannerisms and mistakes.
-- For they get nothing out of their sermons.

"Blessed" is the church member who expects to be invited to his own church.
-- For he is a part of the problem instead of the solution.

"Blessed" are those who gossip.
-- For they shall cause strife and divisions that please me.

"Blessed" are those are easily offended.
-- For they will soon get angry and quit.

"Blessed"are those who do not give their offering to carry on God's work.
-- For they are my helpers.

"Blessed" is he who professes to love God but hates his brother and sister.
-- For they shall be with me forever.

"Blessed" are you who, when you read this, think your're perfect and that this is about other people and not yourself.
-- I've got you too!

author unknown

the sweetest of all!

how can it be, that just after i cry out to you for personal words, you amplify your voice to me and made sure i hear your voice thru so many different channels? C echoed my exact sentiments on friday during cg, and during prayer time, p somehow prayed an exact phrase that i said to you earlier...
haha, if i didn't know better, i would have thought THEY peeped into my heart, or eavesdropped on my prayers. But i know better, lord. and i know it is YOU who saw my heart, heard my heart, and was speaking to my heart.
You know how much it matters to me. and you let me have it. =) you didn't have to indulge me, but you did. thanks.
And how can it be, that just after i cry out to you for a personal moment with you, you gave me my fireside moments with you on saturday? and today during worship and sermon? you brought me close to your heart again, and everything fell into place again. nothing looked too hard, or too tiring, or too big. because you showed me again today who i am, who you are, and who i belong to.
wow... you didn't have to, but you did. you need not have indulged me. even if you hadn't, i WOULD still always be your servant, i WOULD still always be your child, i WOULD still honour and revere and worship you. But you stooped to deal with my needs, you bothered enough to care about my desire to be intimate with you, you bothered to speak thru ppl to let me know you hear me.
Ha.... with such sweet attentive love, how can i help but feel special ;) how can i help but feel especially loved?

[NOTE TO OTHER HUMANS: Dun worry, God's not finite like us. I may be His favourite, but somehow, so can you.]

When my world was in darkness,
you spoke your word,
night turned into day,
your beauty filled this place
When my world stood in silence,
you filled my heart
with songs that never end,
forever i will praise...
to think that the universe could not withold your glory,
but you chose to live in me... i'm so amazed!
and i worship you lord
my life in you restored
here is my heart
make it your sanctuary
for nobody else
but jesus only you!

Friday, August 25, 2006

love sick... Is it time for fire-side chairs yet?

Lost in you alone,
Is where i wanna be
To feel you near.
Softly in my ear,
You whisper words to me,
That i am yours..
Can't live a day without your presence,
closer to you i wanna be.
my heart cries out for more of you my lord,
my portion and hope
i close my eyes and feel you near,
there's nobody else who can take your place in my heart.

I can't sing to you now coz of my throat, but can you hear the song in my heart?
i miss you... i miss intimacy with you.

When i was afraid, i used to run to you. to hide, to cry, to vent. then you would show me yourself, and when i see your faithfulness, i knew i could go on.
When i was discouraged and weak, i ran to you. to complain, to "teh", sometimes throw tantrums... then you would show me visions, give me dreams, hopes. Sometimes your words of love would just send me into seventh heaven and i couldn't care less if the world sucked big time. you were enough.

it looked as if those were tough times, but when i had you near, everything was ok deep inside.

How long has it been since i last felt afraid? has it been so long that i mistakenly think i am strong enough on my own?
And have i grown so used to bearing burdens on my shoulders that they no longer send me scurrying to your arms? Have i learnt to toughen my shoulders so much that my heart has hardened as well?

Don't ever let it happen Lord! i want to grow to be a better servant and child. i want to be someone you can trust with your work and your church and your people. i want to be more effective in helping my students get your Best Blessing, i want to be able to make a great impact in the children's lives, and their families. i want to be able to lead the Kidz leaders with consistency and be dependable. i want to be able to cope with the uncertainties, and not have thoughts of giving up when discouraged. i want to be so in tune with you and your plans and be able to encourage the team and inspire them to live for you.

i am working on these lord... and i know you are molding me, refining, teaching me. and i am thankful.

but most of ALL.

i simply need you.

i just want to sit with you, and have you tell me non-ministry things again. like i am your woman. make the verses come alive again by speaking them to me personally. make me smile the whole night n feel so much joy that i can't sleep.

i can't help needing you jesus. i was made for you.
can we have the turtle-dove, fireside chair season again soon?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Hey! Just realized it was a year ago today!

pic with the flowers/flowers-in-law/associate flower.

He booked a chalet and asked me over to cook.
(me: huh?! Monday leh! Why you book a chalet?!)
So after buying some stuff, i went, and he has decorated the chalet with banners, tea lights and flower petals strewn around.
I was given strict orders not to go anywhere, but just stay in the kitchen and cook.
After a long-long-long-long while, it finally started. (he couldn't start earlier coz he was waiting for edwin to bring the extension wires)

First, he brought me to the living room (yeah, the BIG aloha chalet). On the petal-strewn table was a Home Decor magazine. Then he brought me up the stairs... the stairs was done up like some spa resort! Rose petals along the way, lighted up with tea lights in glass holders...

In the first room upstairs, there was a Bridal MAgazine on the bed, amidst the rose petals. And he said, "There's still one more room!"

We went to the last room... this time it was filled with pink balloons!
On the bed, were a HUGE bouquet of flowers (99 roses), another book (Before You Say I Do), and a BOX.

He went to the window and opened the curtains to reveal....
Flickering lights spelling out the words

"WILL YOU MARRY [his pic]"

Munch: OK, now you can open the box.

i opened the box and found.... NOTHING.

Munch: Haha, tricked you!

i rolled my eyes.

Then he went to behind the door where he made a pulley system. There was a little basket at the top corner of the room and with the pulley system, he drew the basket down and presented THE RING.

Then he got down on his knees, and popped THE QUESTION.

i told him i'd think about it. ;)

after saying yes, we went back down to cook again. I noticed the front door was open and went to close it....

but as i was nearing the door, streams of people started coming in! CG friends, church friends, st nicks frens, jc frens, long-lost fren... there was like close to 50 ppl!!

so we had a party! =)

it was so fun. =) So sweet and well-planned, so much effort. And i was amazed that even though so many ppl were involved, NO ONE gave it away! (except for munch himself... not his fault tho...i just know him too well... )

And now, one year has passed!
81 Days to go before i become Mrs Wong!


Learning Styles

Some people learn by watching, some by hearing, some by doing and moving around.
Educators call it different names. We way that some are visual learners, some auditory learners, some kinesthenics learners.

The Japs got it all covered! check this out.

To learn useful phrases for city/work life.

To learn how to tell people off

To learn what to say when robbed

Imagine me teaching POA this way...

"Assets, Expenses. Debit! Assets, Expenses. Debit!"
(to the beat of "Hasta la Vista, Baby!" )

Friday, August 18, 2006

Dinner With Iris

Iris came over for dinner last night.
She's the first guest at our first proper dinner at Serangoon!
We started the evening with the House Special... Longan Orange Vodka Fizz...
oops no pics...
and we chatted while preparing dinner.
cooked some, bought some...

We had a great time...


wine (chardonnay)...

and great company!

I enjoyed it greatly.

She's sincere and has discernment,

and loves her friends.

I appreciate that she speaks her mind and rebukes me in love when needed.



Wednesday, August 16, 2006

A Drop in the Sea

(a group of em who came to my house during a sch hol. Some are now in YF, KidzBlaze, some still in GEMS. Some aren't. But it's not over till it's over.)

Just before visitation, we gathered to pray. A group of ex-Clubbers were there. Edmund, Alvin, Minyi... They have all, for one reason or another, stopped coming to KidzClub. Some graduated, some just stopped.

At first, i didnt recognize J. I thought it was just another youth, blasting music from his handphone, lying on the bench. Munch realized it was J... and found out that he has stopped schooling. He would have been in Sec 3 this year. And later on, there was a near-fight between his group and an old man. I think the someone said something to the old man, who didn't like what he heard and wanted to beat up one of the guys. (errrr... don't underestimate the old men in this area. They're tough.) Studying the group of youths, i realized almost all of them had passed through Kidz Club.

i felt a little sad.

the first time i met J was when we took 4 of the kids to the beach. we had a great time, the kids had so much fun, and after that, they'd call us incessantly, wanting us to take them out again. They knew we love them, and would listen to our advice. J didn't stay for long tho. Heh, it's a sad thing, but sometimes ppl grow out of Kidz Club.

And when i saw him like that now... i wondered...

Why didn't i hold on to him tighter and longer? Could i have averted this outcome? God allowed our paths to cross. Surely there must have been a purpose? Wasn't i supposed to tell him how precious he is, even if the world doesn't know it? Wasn't he supposed to get to know Jesus and live the rest of his life joyfully and experience the blessings of God?

Our journey together was so transient...

all i can do is to make sure that i blessed him, and all the kids, with all i could in the short journey we had together. Did his encounters with God in the Kidz Club do anything for him? i think it did.

After our briefing, as we started to pray, i heard him turning off his handphone-radio. Some kids walked past, playing and chatting loudly, and he shushed them.
=) So cute right?
After all these years, he still remembers to show respect for God.

Haaa... Yes God, i was supposed to be praying, but i couldn't help noticing all that.
And i think i heard You telling me that the labour at Kidz Ministry is never in vain. I saw that J has learnt to respect my God!

So when i think of those kids who have passed through my life, i know that even though at times i do not see lasting results, God HAS planted seeds in them, God HAS given them His Holy Spirit, and it will not be for nothing.
They'll be back.
Blast from the Past! Worship Warriors at the workshop i conducted with munch at KY's place. How many are worship warriors now? Hmmm...
But when we get to heaven, we'll ALL be! =)

My dear YC... i held your hands at Mt Sophia, and prayed for filling of the spirit. and you received with such sparkly manifestation. My most regular kid then, most eager... You may look like u didn't survive the graduation into YF, but i know you will return to God.

JH, you who worshiped and sang and played the keyboard with such joy and expression but now chooses to go swimming.. D= Your heart will one day be passionate again.

Little Liling, you who broke my heart so many times, made me cry buckets for you. You WILL one day return to Him and live out your fullest potential...the right way...

And Yq, and Dennis, and Hy, and XE, and T...

It's never in vain.


Will Boycotts Work?

Do you think, if everybody in Singapore boycotts cabs during the peak hours, the cab drivers will complain to the cab companies and the cab companies will reverse the hike in peak hour surcharge?

It has been my secret hope, so i've been trying to avoid cabbing during peak hours ever since the hike. And somehow, seeing cabs with the available sign lit up made me secretly gleeful, as if my secret plan was working and they would soon start regretting the terrible thing they have done to poor folks. (yeah, i know it's not the cabdrivers' fault, but they'll have to be a pawn in this evil game)

But... oooh.. i'm so ashamed of this... i betrayed the Secret Society of Cab Boycotters (SSCB) yesterday. Was procrastinating and nua-ing and working (to a small extent) yesterday till i couldn't possibly reach circuit road on time without cabbing... and it was 7pm.... THE DREADED PEAK HOUR!!!

It's sad the way i don't stick to the Code of Conduct for SSCB members.

At first, i pledged to boycott all cabs. But... alas, procrastination and slumber and newspaper-coffee-and-bread mornings have forced me to succumb.

So i succumbed a little, and told myself, i will at least boycott Comfort cabs. But when no other cabs were spotted in my ulu seletar area, i succumbed yet again.

And i said, well, at least i won't take cabs during the peak hour! I thot that this covenant would be quite manageable since i usually only take cab to church and kidz club and these are off-peak hours. But yesterday....

Sigh... i am sorry SSCB. I'll try harder.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


When i was 9, i felt 9 was the perfect age to be.
When i was 13, i thot 13 was perfect.
And 17, 18, 19, 21... even 23.
Somehow 27 doesn't give me the same feeling.
even tho it's a nice number.

bdae celebration this year was one looooong affair..

first, my 1st bdae pressie from munch!

He gave it to me on 3 Aug, on the way home after core group meeting. He wanted to wait till the 8th, but i know him too well...hee... can tell when he has something up his sleeves!! anyway he agreed to gimme earlier in order to spare himself the agony of trying to keep a secret from Moi the SuperSleuth!

Then on 6 Aug, had lunch after service with The Flowers + Huiping + Jessy + Smarco at Cream Bistro. Meeting them is so precious now, coz we seldom get a chance to meet up nowadays. I love em... but our gatherings are so rare and cordial, i wonder if we can still be "flowers" and build one another up... ='(

After lunch, we went shopping for a place for birthday dinner... and saw the 7 year old drummer! he's cute! love the way he plays with such an expressionless face. =)

On Monday 7 Aug, i had my Munchie Pressie #2: A Spa Treat!!!! Shiok! Took a pic with the masseuse, but not posting it coz i look weird! Followed by a Japanese dinner...

8 Aug...National Day Celebrations in school. Naz took care of the day's prog very well... she's such a joy to work with! Chilled with Kidz Clubbers at Settlers till midnite, then went back Serangoon where the CG was waiting... with a terrible terrible surprise... when we (chris, munch n i) got there, Chua was scolding Hel.. REALLY BADLY.. even threw things at her. then she stomped away. i went to the room to be with her, and she was like all tensed and on the verge of crying... then suddenly they all appeared with poppers and all. *mumble mumble***** Don't you guys EVER do such a thing again!!!!! Not funny lor!!!! But these ppl sure can act man.

Went to bayshore for family celebration cum national day party... great view of the fireworks from the 26 floor balcony!

Finally ended yesterday14 Aug, with dinner with jean, sarah, peck.... except sarah didn't come in the end =( Miss you, girl! Stop working so hard!


Thanks for the pink box n pink purse n pink watch n red ribbony top (great taste chua!) n red flower earrings n red rose shower cream from hawaii (gosh, do i see a pattern here?)

Citygems Earrings, Ceramic House from Greece, n Star Cushion that looks like me, Cross-flower pendant and chain,

n spa treat n choco cake n ice-cream cake n Masks n Lip Gloss n Cards n angpows n SMSs =)

But most of all, thanks for being my friends, brothers, sisters, students ... i thank God for each one of you. =)
