Yups, Carol & CT are Celeste's godparents.
i must say my little ones have lovely godparents.
Check out Victor's pose =) Cuteness.
(Photo by peck)
This is Celeste with Benjamin, born 15 days apart.
Always wanted to have a baby at the same time as hp, guess this is as close as it can get!
Don't you just want to bite those cheeks?
But don't you dare bite my scrumptious strawberry shortcake!
playing with benjamin's toys, and boy does he have many!
(photo by peck)
near to far: g, v, b, c.
lil bubs all in a row.
we crashed a meeting at the koh's, and the little ones crashed too.
(Photo by peck)
"Glory's lashes", the photographer calls this pic.
i like.
Glory at Nathan's party.
She loves the "shake star" and the "fly".
One of her fave food.
Affectionately called "commmmm", otherwise commonly known as corn.
picture that!
you're looking at a picture of a page of a magazine,
which has a picture of a picture of glory n godpa.
ha. i love how convoluted that sounds. =)
1 comment:
Hi there,
Thanks very much for your interesting blog. It's always nice to see how people on the other side of the globe live, how they share the same joys and sorrows, what they do in their free time, etc.
I actually have a question about your blog. Would you mind helping us with a linguistic research project? We're compiling data from various Singaporean weblogs. All it requires is checking a few boxes. If you want to take part and/or have more questions, drop me a note ( hack2301@uni-trier.de RE: Question ) so that I can then send you the 'official' project eMail. We'd really appreciate your help.
Thanks very much in advance!
Best regards,
- Fran
PS: Cuties, indeed! And that picture of a picture of a picture (picture) is hilarious :P
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