Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Difference

It really is very different the second time around.

For one, the morning sickness didn't continue throughout the pregnancy, which REALLY REALLY matters. I don't feel so miserable this time round. The backache is much worse though - perhaps i really should (try to) follow those confinement rules this time round. Or maybe the backache is shoes-related? You see,  this time round i didn't fly to Chiangmai, so i couldn't buy any flatties. =) Yeah, i got through the 9 months on my platforms! Score!

Not having 9 months of morning sickness also means i ate much more than i did the first time round. My belly's much much bigger than the first pregnancy, and i think Baby2 is gonna be bigger than Glory. 
At the previous check-up, Baby2 was already around 2.4kg. 
With Glory, i remember fretting that she would be a low birth weight baby. 
Seems like size-wise and weight-wise, Baby2 (and sadly, mummy too) is a full month bigger. 

And for mummy, that's really not too good. Last weekend, i couldn't get into my daddy's car coz he parked the car near the gate, and the car door couldn't be opened fully. The space between the car and the gate was too narrow. The killer blow is that it's my DADDY'S car, which, in case you still dun geddit, means HE managed to GET OUT of that car, and I couldn't get in!!!!!!! How can my tummy be bigger than daddy's legendary tummy???!?! Hey i used that tummy as a trampoline when i was young alright! 
I am soooo gonna sign up for Amore gym classes after i deliver.

Another distinct difference. Procrastination. The first time round, we started thinking of names months in advance. Almost 2 months before the EDD, the name was more or less chosen and her cot and clothes were prepared. Which is too early, by the way - i rewashed them a couple of times coz i kept thinking they have gone dusty again while waiting. The gynae had started briefing me on what to do when i go into labour. I even conducted a readiness- check on munch to see if he was keeping himself contactable in case of emergency.
This time round? The cot's with my brother, the clothes are with another friend, and i'm not sure when i'm gonna collect them, much less wash them. 
I'm also not quite sure what the going-into-labour procedures are like with this new gynae. Do i call him, or will the hospital do that? He hasn't even signed us up for his delivery package yet - do i assume he will be delivering, or must we explicitly tell him, and sign up for the delivery package first? 
And there's that "Ready Bag" that i am supposed to prepare.... ummm, what's supposed to be in there again? When i do go into labour, i reckon i'll take a cab to the hospital and SMS munch to pack my "ready bag", then meet me there. 

Oh yah, another big difference: The first time round, munch went with me to EVERY prenatal check. Then we would usually stop by Peirce reservoir for a stroll and to pray for the baby. This time round, because of the opening hours of the clinic, munch usually cannot accompany me =( In fact, my companions at the detailed scan were mummy and glory- Munch had to work. We do still pray for Baby2 of coz, though this time round, instead of the picturesque reservoir, we do it in the comfort of our four-poster bed, as we collapse after a long day of work and playing with Glory. 

Also, because Dr Adrian doesn't take facial shots of Baby2  we don't get to see as much of Baby2 as we did with Glory. Baby2's ultrasound pics are usually just some round-shaped thing - i think it's the tummy circumference. With Dr Joycelyn, we get to see Glory's profile, frontal view, and even watch her dance. Dr Adrian is not into such frivolity i think. As long as there's a heartbeat, he's satisfied ;) 

With the demands of work and a first child, we have much less time to just sit and imagine how Baby2 would be like. But it doesn't mean she would be any less than Jie Jie! 
Coz darling, you are not made by mummy's idle thoughts and dreams, but you are made wonderfully by God himself! While some believe that staring at pictures of cute babies make one's baby cuter, i know that prayer makes the difference. 

My prayer for you darling, is that you will be a courageous lover of God, bold to proclaim, like Elijah. That you will be a woman of the Spirit, sensitive, always aware and obedient to the Holy Spirit's leading. Gentle, wise, loving, discerning and disciplined. And beautiful, well-mannered and hospitable, with a heart for the oppressed, weak and poor. 
And big, sparkling eyes, long lashes, beautiful strong healthy hair that will not go bald in old age, good skin - no acne during adolescent years, healthy, well-formed and attractive body, divine health, beautiful smile, pretty lips, nice teeth and a dainty nose.

I always ask for a lot. 
God gives lae... look at Jie Jie...

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