Return to me, He said.
Return your heart to me.
Don't let your heart be so taken by the gifts, that you forget the Giver.
He listens, he's patient, he's gentle.
He understands when i speak of the most obscure of thoughts, he knows how important those are to me.
He's more sensitive to me than i am,
i think he knows me better than i do.
And when he's sensitive to Him, and tender and brave, he's just sooo THE MAN.
And he's got the sexiest brow bone. =)
She smiles, and everything else can wait.
She does and says such random, funny things.
The most mundane things gives her such delight.
And oh, when she lights up when she sees me, when she clings on tightly, when she quietens down in my arms, i fall deeper and deeper in love.
Thank You, Father. I couldn't have asked for anything better.
Please teach me to love them properly... cute as they are, i know they mustn't take your place.
While i delight to give her that ball-tent, and see her squeal with glee, while i love to cuddle her in my arms, and feel her snuggle so comfortably close to me, i
want also to give you sacrificially and sense your pleasure. i want also to to snuggle up to you and rest in your embrace.
While i marvel about how beautiful and attractive she is, i want to also gaze at Your loveliness, and let everything else fade into obscurity.
While i rejoice that you have given me a man who listens so well, who understands, who loves me so deeply and sweetly, i want also to always be aware and appreciative of your faithfulness, your presence, your companionship.
I cannot love them any less, Lord.
Teach me how to love you more.