I've fought hard and won for Glory access rights to PoPo- she's had the privilege of having PoPo stay over since Thursday.
And i've won the rights to see my own parents. (uh-huh... you'd think it was a given, but sometimes life is strange and people stranger. but yeah, it's family and we shall move on)
So when i say Heart Pain now, i mean the physical kind.
Started this morning in school, whenever i coughed, laughed, bent over, breathed deeply, exerted any strength, and sometimes just out of the blue. A shocking bolt of pain. I used to get it once in a while, but never at such frequency.
Later on in class, things started to white out and i felt pukey and faint, so i had to crouch in the corridor till it passed. It was scary to me, because
1. i have a baby inside and i dun want anything bad to happen to her. Fetus below 27 weeks don't normally survive if the host body dies, i think.
2. fainting in front of students is sooooo weird and embarrassing. i think i'd rather faint unseen in a corner and receive no help than faint in public.
So i called my gynae on his "emergency number". And in his trademark clipped style, he told me
1. Take MC and rest rest rest,
2. Drink sugary drinks like Ribena,
3. No it's not heart attack.
and in less than half a minute, the phone consultation's over.
Hee, he's such a character =)
So different from Dr Joycelyn Wong, who would check my weight and BP at each visit, tell me the progress and what baby was growing that week, explain what to expect next, ask about preggy symptoms and listen emphatically to each sorrowful complaint. She'd let us admire Glory on the ultrasound machine and explain which position she was in, and let us watch her dancing etc etc etc.
In contrast, Dr Adrian seems so perfunctory. He took my weight and bp twice so far - once at week 7, and once at week 12, and he didn't even comment on the weight loss (oy, woman lose weight must praise mah..) Each session was simply, "Any questions?"
Extremely no frills, but in a way it's good coz his "everything is alright" demeanor tends to rub off on me. He doesn't bug me to try to eat more, or harp about how the fetus is small for date, so I haven't even started distressing about it yet. Yeah, according to the detailed scan, most parts of Baby are near the lower limits of normal. Again. at least glory had bigger than average tummy at her 20 weeks scan. This little darling has smaller-than-average everything. Looks like i'll have to be gulping milk again very soon.
Anyway, when i lay in bed later in the afternoon, i realized i couldn't lie down. When i reclined fully, it hurt each time my heart beats. Which means i'll have to sleep sitting up till this gets better. Hmmm... Is Dr Adrian Woodworth absolutely sure this is nothing to worry about?Anyway, he's a doctor and i'm not, so i'll have to take his word for it.
But... How come i didn't experience this with Glory? And why have i never heard of other preggies having to sleep sitting up due to heart pains? Can nothing be done to make the pain cease? Just MC and Ribena?
Muahahah... just realized how strange it is... my doctor prescribed Ribena. =)