Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Throat hurts bad.
The kind that feels like a razor blade is slicing the throat, and makes the eyes water.
My fault... should have gone to bed a little earlier last night, but was marking - and watching tv till 2am.

i'm quite obsessive-compulsive sometimes. I never used to watch tv, then suddenly a silly craze would start and i'd watch too much. Like the Meteor Garden phase, the Prison Break phase, the Law & Order phase. And i'd read all the episode guides as well.

Dunno what was wrong with me last night. I watched and watched and watched. Desperate Housewife, After Hours (gosh that was one lame, pointless show.) , some sit-coms that i cannot remember, Beauty & the Geek (I like!!), L&O, MAximum Exposure, America's Next Top Model...

I felt sick, i wanted to sleep, i knew i had to wake up early the next day, YET I STILL WATCHED! (and marked... marginally...)

I'm baffled. Am i not a minute-pinching miser when it came to Time? What came over me? i squandered 200 min yesterday!

Or, like when i played silly computer games. And i mean silly! like the catch butterfly game, or the mice-swopping game, or the pipe-building game, or even like minesweeper, or Jewels. Or haha.... snake, when i first got my cellphone.

After each round, i'd keep thinking i died a stupid death and that i could do better, and i'd try again and again.

"One more try and i'll stop"
"AHHHH that was dumb! That round not counted. Coz got stupid mistake. One more try.".
"AAAAAHHHHH... try again..."

Until i hear the birds...and look up... and realize... Damn. Sky's bright. I forgot to sleep AGAIN. And my finger hurts from clicking too much.

And then there was the time i read about a pianist who practiced every day with a bag of beans next to him. Each time he played a song perfectly, he's take a bean from the bag and put it on the other side. Whenever a mistake was made, he would put ALL the beans back into the bag, and start over. And he'd do this till he got the beans all across.

So i was inspired to do that too, and spent 8 hours on the piano that day. I still didn't manage to get all the beans across. Which probably explains why i'm far from being a professional pianist now.

Well, at least THOSE harmed only myself. Then there were those times when i needed company to indulge in my latest obsessions. Like how i made munch play through the ENTIRE BOX of Taboo at one sitting.

"Nooooo! Why were we so slow? With our understanding of each other and communication, we should be able to get all the answers!! Try again!"
"Hey. all correct! So fun! Let's try again!"
" NOOOOoooooOOOoo, that was lousy. We must try again..."

And i refused to let him have dinner till the box was completed.

And that was before we got married, yet he still went ahead and marry me... that sweet, brave thing...

Madness? (i mean me, not munch)
Well, let's just call it determination or "age quod agis" shall we? ;)

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