Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Snuggle up, Sardines!

We’ve been snuggling it out at my parents’ since April. The whole family is currently housed in my old room. Yes, that’s four of us squeezed into the room that I used to have all to myself. “ Four in a room? How to sleep?” Well, *officially*, Munch and I are on the queen-sized bed, Glory’s on her Bumper Playmat on the floor just outside the bathroom, and Celeste is in her playpen, at the far corner of the room. That’s the plan, at least. More on that later.

But it’s not just the 4-in-a-room sleeping that is amazing, I tell you. It’s the 4-in-a-room storage. The walk-in wardrobe and two chests of drawers (that I used to have all to myself, if I may repeat) now hold the entire family’s clothes, toiletries, diapers, toys and books! How is that possible? Well, that’s because I only have like five sets of home clothes and five sets of go-out clothes here. I figured I should let Munch have more space since he’s working and bringing home the bacon and needs to look like a teacher, while I’m just the chauffeur and can ace the housewife look with just any old t-shirt and berms. So I ceded my territory. And the kids… well, Charisma insisted she only brought minimal clothes for them, but still, their share of drawer space is more than twice of mine! So if you noticed that I’ve been wearing the same outfit again and again and again, IT IS NOT MY FAULT! I’m just a great, wonderful, sacrificial mum and wife.

Needless to say, the lack of privacy and space is making munch and me really look forward to moving out again. But the kids are totally loving it here. They get to potter around the garden and make new friends like

and other playground boys (Celeste especially, that charmer.), they get to feed fishes and force wooden ducks to swim. They get to see Gong-gong and Po Po every day (don’t even get me started on indulgent grandparents). And they get to sleep in the same room as Daddy and Mummy. I wonder if we are gonna have to retrain them to sleep on their own when we move out. But truth be told, I’m gonna need the retraining too.

Glory lah.

She started off with sneaking into our bed in the middle of the night. We spoke to her about it, and she abided by the rules for a couple of nights. Then she started to come over to me in the middle of the night, mewing piteously by the side of the bed “But I want you, mummy. I want to be near you.” “Alright, just tonight” I relented. And of course, it happened again the next night. So it became a habit – for her and for me. It is just so nice to hug her close and snuggle under the sheets together. And, because munch falls asleep really quickly and I get lonely in the middle of the night, I actually am glad sometimes when she comes over for a chat and snuggle. She’s so like me in that aspect – she lies in bed for a long time before sleep comes. Celeste is like munch… five sucks of the thumb and she’s out like a lamp. Not that Munch sucks his thumb.

But to be fair to her, Glory really does try to sleep on her own mat. Last night, I heard her praying, “Dear God, please help me to sleep properly. Because I feel that I cannot sleep properly. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.” It was such a funny-sweet-touching moment… my little girl, trying so hard to obey mummy and daddy, and asking the Lord for help!

So did God answer her prayers?


She crawled up next to me a few minutes later and fell soundly asleep.

Funny girl having bean curd tart at Serangoon Playground. Yeah. I stalk my old house. We still go back there sometimes, just to gaze longingly at the windows.

Celeste... behind that messy outfit is a serious charmer.
She's had little boys clearing the way for her on the slide, clamouring to lead her up the stairs, inviting her to explore different parts of the playground with them, and one even asked his mummy to wipe down kiddy rides so Celeste could sit next to him.
You've been warned!!

That's her, looking all pleased coz she bummed a banana off a random stranger.
By the way, after she was done with that, she got a second one! agh.....

Maybe she goes around telling people her mummy makes her work too hard, and doesn't feed her enough. You know, the poor little cinderella card always works.