It's Glory's third National Day, but i think it's the first one she's really aware of.
We didn't have tickets to the parade, so we had to make do with TV. I enjoyed the pre-parade video, about the events leading to Singapore's independence. I found myself giving Glory a history lesson, and she seemed to understand, which was quite cool. Charisma listened to, which makes me happy, coz i've always wanted to show off Singapore to foreigners. Yes, in spite of all my new-found discontentment with the state of our country, i am a patriot at heart.
Thanks to Glory's school, she's very excited about the Flag (especially the moon) and can kinda sing the Anthem. When the anthem was played, she eagerly stood up and sang along. The words were mangled of coz, but at least you could tell she was singing the anthem.
I pointed out to her the various ministers and state leaders and pioneers, secretly hoping she would remember their names and what they did. For example, "This is the Prime Minister, his name is Lee Hsien Loong. Remember just now we saw Lee Kuan Yew? This Lee Hsien Loong is his baby, Lee Kuan Yew is the Papa. Prime minister means he is the leader of Singapore. "
When it came to the president, i had a bit of trouble. I mean, how do you explain that his was a figurehead, representing the state of Singapore? I finally managed a pathetic "his job is to pretend to be the leader, to act as the leader of Singapore. But actually he is not".
Not a very good job i admit. ah well. She'll learn the model answers when she goes to school.
As the parade went on, she lost interest and started drawing. (godma gave her this supercool marker that can change colours) But she was still keeping an eye and a ear on the parade. When the song "stand up for singapore" came on, she actually put her markers down and stood up. After a couple of repetitions of the chorus line, she indignantly exclaimed, "I stand up already!"
Can i say that of myself?
My love for Singapore these days is hardly shown. I tear when i hear "Home" (and quickly think of random nonsense to stop myself from over-emo-ing.. dun want ppl to see la). i feel proud and happy when Charisma wows at the beauty of the city skyline as we drive past MBS and the flyer. We went up to the highest storey to catch the fireworks, and when 8:10 came, i half wanted to get all the neighbours crowded there to recite the pledge together. But i didn't. Why?
The love is still there in my heart, but i've not been standing up very much any more.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Monday, August 02, 2010
Nobody but you!
The weekend went well.
We enjoyed our time with Celeste, and yeah, I got to know her better.
Unlike Glory, whose funny behaviour and speeches make her in-your-face entertaining, Celeste is is like coffee to Glory’s chocolate. She’s more nuanced, more subtle, yet rich and full. You could gulp it down, but if you take your time, you get to take in the aroma, swirl it around your mouth a little longer, and then slowly enjoy the shiok milky after-taste.
And in case you’ve never had the pleasure of slowly enjoying Celeste, generous me shall share ;)
1. She’s fascinated with sounds. I finally understood her obsession with throwing things. She enjoys the sound objects make when they hit the ground. She loves windows and doors and floors for the same reason too. She taps, there’s a sound, and she’s delighted. You know she’s thrilled, because she looks at you like she has just played Beethovan’s Fifth Symphony singlehandedly, and you’re supposed to be impressed and pleased.
And here, a video of Celeste’s performance. Tap floor, throw remote, making loads of lovely sounds… but when the remote lands on her toes instead, she realizes she doesn’t want this video clip shown to the world, and attacks my iPhone. :<
2. She’s gonna get her ways with guys. Seriously, I don’t know where she picked this up from, but she has this absolutely seductive gaze. She looks at your eyes, looks down shyly, then gazes at your lips as you speak with her, occasionally looking into your eyes again, with her big, innocent, round eyes fringed with long lashes. W-I-N lor. Not only that, she’s such a tender and generous kisser too. You just have to start her with Mmmm-mmuak, mmmm-mmuak, and she’ll continue kissing you non-stop. I tell you, her lips are so soft and sweet. Just that she’s not very accurate, so you need to position your lips youself. And you have to choose the right moment, coz her lips are sometimes covered with saliva + biscuit crumbs. Maybe that’s why it’s sweet.
3. She is an Eater. So what if she’s had her rice cereal? If you’re eating, she’s gonna want some too. She eats more than Glory does. For dinner, Glory takes like a tablespoon of vege, two tablespoons of meat, two tablespoons of rice and a little bowl of soup on good days. And you have to make the food hop/ swim/ fly into her mouth, or pretend to call her a baby and fuss over feeding her, or starve her for lunch in order to have her finish up her dinner portion. Celeste? She downs a large bowl, and would be more than happy to help you with yours.
4. She’s a diver. She knows when Glory crosses the line (eg speaks fiercely to her, shoves her, hits her, snatches things from her), and never mind that Glory’s attacks are absolutely not painful, she wails like she’s so hurt and traumatized.
5. That said, she loves Glory. When Glory enters the room, she’s all excited like Daominsi just walked in (ok, I am outdated, but at least I’m faithful). She idolizes her JieJie, kinda like how Glory gets excited when she sees Shannon JieJie.
6. She’s not into books. (Yet. Mummy’s gonna change that.) Unlike Glory who can never get enough of books, Celeste thinks books are overrated. They rank below tissue paper in terms of taste, and they perform poorly in sound-generation too. When mummy corners her and whips out a book, she turns and flees, while mummy desperately reads on with as much expression and excitement as possible, hoping that my fantastic rendition of SuperCar would entice her back…. It usually always proves futile. Which leaves me looking rather silly and loser-ish. Unless of course, Glory’s in the room and she comes scurrying to me upon seeing my lap empty and available. Which makes me feel very good and wanted, like I’m a fantastic reader. The flip side of course, is that Glory won’t stop at one book. Or two. Or five. Or ten.
7. She wants to watch the fireworks, but is mildly startled by the noise. So she whimpers and cuddles close, but still peers curiously. So girly can. Like those damsel in distress on amusement park rides/ horror flicks. See, told you, she’s gonna be a hit with the boys. Except Papa’s probably gonna ban her from watching horror flicks in darkened cinema theatres with guys. Oh wait. I forgot. Papa’s already banned all outings with boys…
8. Don't ignore her when her face turns red. It means a poop is coming - and real quick! I was in the bath (oooo, love the fairmont tub!) with her when her face turned red and i knew IT was coming. What i didn't know was how little time i had. I had barely gotten out of the tub and crossed the shower area when a cute little pellet fell out. :) Very cute, round and tiny. O
Anyways... in case Celeste develops a love for reading and actually reads Mama's blog one day, here's a note for you baby:
I love you baby! You are such a treasure!
Happy First Birthday, and for the rest of your life, may you grow from strength to strength, beauty to beauty. May you have a compassionate heart, love for the oppressed and weak, a quiet and gentle spirit, a devoted, tender and passionate love for God. In Jesus' name i bless you with joy and contentment, with a soul and spirit that is constantly being recharged and refreshed by God's spirit, hearing intimately from him, and by God's grace always quick to obey his voice. May you be filled with talents and abilities and grace, and may you put these talents to work - Works, great or little, but always done with lots of love.
If Papa, Mama and JieJie could choose any baby in the whole wide world to be in our family, we'd still want nobody nobody but you!
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