Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Glory Fan Club!

I'm not one who thinks that ALL babies are cute.
Long long ago, in my pre-believing, bitchier days, i once saw a less-than-cute baby and ...umm... told my friends what i thought.
Well, i have since repented, i've stopped passing negative comments about helpless innocent babies. I've cordially acknowledged that all babies are precious and deserve our love and care and respect....
but you gotta admit, some are just more awesome. ;P

And i think it's every mother's right to say she's got the most awesomest ones!

At the playground with papa. Look at the affection she has for him =)
Sweet isn't it?
Know what else is sweet? This morning she took a piece of tissue and gently wiped meimei's drool.
=) =)
these two girls are gonna love growing up together

swinging is fun

until you get motion sickness from all that swinging

Elephant ride

with ah-bing

even the sweetest and cutest may get rejected at times...

clip, dress and dora bottle.
so that people would stop asking me if she's a boy or girl.

Brushing teeth with papa

i lovelovelovelovelove her!
if she has a fan club, i'll be her number 1 fan! =)

NB: Of coz i love celeste too! Just that she's still not doing very much, so i haven't taken many pics of her.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

An Influential Babe and a Significant Corn

A Momentous Corn

When i was a kid, Saturday afternoons were always spent having piano lessons at Yamaha at Marine Parade.  And i hated it. I always felt i couldn't play as well as kor-kor and the girl with long curly hair. I always felt i didn't practice enough. I was always worried the teacher wouldn't be pleased with me.
So piano lessons always gave me stressed-induced stomach aches, even before i started primary school. (and there i was, wondering why kids cry over math questions . Hypocrite!!)

It didn't help that  i was very susceptible to motion sickness, and the journey from Realty Park to Parkway Parade was quite a torture for me.
So Saturdays tended to be a stressful time for little YanYan.

Saturdays weren't ALL bad though. We had a few happier family rituals. Like going to McDonald's, going to Toys R'Us, and eating buttery corn-on-the-cob from Parkway Parade.

But one day, the car-sickness plus piano-lessons-stress proved too much for me - i took a whiff of the buttery corn and i puked big time.

Ever since then, for at least 25 years, i have not had corn. (popcorn not counted)

Until this afternoon.

I was having lunch with Glory, and she was going "Commm, commm, commm" She had already finished one serving of corn and she wanted more. Now, she has been having corn almost everyday, and sometimes twice a day. And still she was asking for more.

Pure, unadulterated desire. That's always the best advertisement.

So i simply had to try.

i plucked up my courage and reached for the corn.

"I'm going to eat the corn!" I told Florencia, perhaps hoping she would hold my hand to give me moral support or something.

"Glory eats a lot of corn," she told me matter-of-factly, oblivious to the battle that's raging inside my head.

I looked to Glory for support, but she's already attacking her corn with gusto.

I'm facing a 25 years old phobia and that's all the support i get?

I half wanted to call my daddy but decided against it. He might have company and what would they think! A thirty year old woman calling her daddy in the middle of a work day reporting that she's gonna eat corn? That'd be strange.

I stared at the corn. The corn looked very pretty and yellow. And the kernels seemed to be saying, "We're juicy and sweet!" (No, really! Really! They did!) And their voices drowned out the lone menacing voice repeating the decades-old refrain of "Eat it and puke! Eat it and DIE!"

And then I did it. I bit into the corn.

... ... ... ... ...

Well... it was okay. I didn't hear choruses of angels, i didn't start floating or swooning or anything like that.

But neither did i puke! And that's something.

HAH! I win! Liberation! Victory! Oh Yeah!

I'm gonna tell my daddy tomorrow! =)


It's usually not with eloquence and clever arguments that people are won over.
But when you love passionately, and unabashedly show your insatiable desire and devotion, you make others want to take a bite.
That was how i came to know Jesus too! =)

Sunday, October 11, 2009


A question in this year's PSLE Math paper:

Jim bought some chocolates and gave half of it to Ken. Ken bought some sweets and gave half of it to Jim. Jim ate 12 sweets and Ken ate 18 chocolates. The ratio of Jim’s sweets to chocolates became 1:7 and the ratio of Ken’s sweets to chocolates became 1:4. How many sweets did Ken buy?

( Answer is 68.)

Golly.... by the time Glory and Celeste take their PSLE, they'd be doing quantum physics and building space shuttles.

But what is even stranger is that nowadays, kids cry when they can't do an examination question. 

Why is there a need to score 100%? 
90% is still an A* right?

And why do some parents get all up in arms when they find out such questions are set?

Strange and scary. 真的许要这样吗?

Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Celeste with god-brother Victor
Yups, Carol & CT are Celeste's godparents.
i must say my little ones have lovely godparents.
Check out Victor's pose =) Cuteness.

(Photo by peck)
This is Celeste with Benjamin, born 15 days apart.
Always wanted to have a baby at the same time as hp, guess this is as close as it can get!

Don't you just want to bite those cheeks?
But don't you dare bite my scrumptious strawberry shortcake!

playing with benjamin's toys, and boy does he have many!

(photo by peck)
near to far: g, v, b, c.

lil bubs all in a row.
we crashed a meeting at the koh's, and the little ones crashed too.

(Photo by peck)
"Glory's lashes", the photographer calls this pic.
i like.

Glory at Nathan's party.
She loves the "shake star" and the "fly".

One of her fave food.
Affectionately called "commmmm", otherwise commonly known as corn.

picture that!
you're looking at a picture of a page of a magazine,
which has a picture of a picture of glory n godpa.

ha. i love how convoluted that sounds. =)