Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Singapore...

It's two in the morning and i can't sleep.
I've been tossing and turning, thinking about... Singapore...

Read this article in The Online Citizen a while back. And if it were true, I am very very bothered by how oppressive, soulless and value-less we have become.
IF it were true and the MOM actually condoned (and aided) the use of repatriation companies, it does appear frightfully dirty and unjust - definitely unbecoming of a Singapore Ministry. Yet when i put myself in the position of "the authorities", putting on what i perceive to be their value-system, what other way out could there be? 

"Problem: Many MANY foreigners on our soil, homeless, workless, potential threat to security/ unsightly/residents complain. 
Need them repatriated.
But they arrived here legally, with work permits. Construction companies supposed to take responsibility for them.
Can we force these companies to treat them right? Give them the contracted wages even if no work? Refund them their airfares/agent fees? 
No, construction companies will fold, and we do not want that, not in these times.
Just get rid of them as quickly and as easily as possible."

And using that Perceived Value System, this seems to be the solution.
And i hate that.
{Disclaimer: i am not saying this is the decision making process of the "authorities". i wouldn't know. These are mere speculations. }

I just don't want a country like that. It's so Survival. So carnal. So empty.

I like the Singapore GCT had in mind, or spoke about, when he came up with the Singapore Shared Values.
But i think "they" never took it seriously.
I mean, if it were truly a "value", decisions would have been made accordingly based on those values. 
In the end the one value we have seems to be Prosperity.

That's why we needed the casinos, right? 
No other ways to generate revenue/ increase tourism bucks/ keep our GDP real high etc etc. And we NEED to be prosperous in order to survive.

But maybe i don't believe that anymore. I used to think perhaps the MillionDollarGuys knew things i didn't. I used to think that as long as they were in charge, we'd be safe. But when F1 comes and goes and their prophecy of incoming moolah didn't come to pass, but we had to endure ugly and dangerous roads (those barriers made it soooo hard to check for oncoming traffic when exiting the hotel carparks), road diversions and the likes, i had my doubts. 

And when the MillionDollarGuys made losses on investments (just like my personal financial advisor only he's paid less) the truth is out. They too are human, they too aren't all-knowing, they too can only ride on tides and pretend to explain them, but they can't make the tides.

And naturally, i'd keep my eyes on the IRs. (yah, that one SURE wrong decision wan)
And you know i HATE it. 
I've had a student lose his father because of a gambling debt. And no matter how much money you think it'd make us, a value-based government would not change laws to allow it. And just how many jobs will it create, how well it helps our future remains to be seen, but i maintain that ill-gotten gains will never end up worthwhile.
So, yeah. i have my doubts about needing to be tops all the time. i have my doubts about the importance of prosperity.
I reckon we've taken this prosperity thing too seriously, as if it's a lifeline. But truth is, it's not dependable.
Maybe if we took 5 steps back and tried "godliness and contentment" instead, we would do better.
Instead of making decisions based on money and competitiveness, simply do what is intrinsically RIGHT. And when we end up passing up on financial gains? So be it. At least we know we have been honourable.
And if we weren't so particular about "first-world-ness", perhaps we would not even place such a high premium on monetary gains.
It's like a family, a small and simple family. They did pretty well for a small family, but decided they wanted more. They wanted to be like the Big Guys, with the champagne and chauffeurs and all. Perhaps at first it was a show to hit it with the right crowd, then it started to infiltrate their minds. And they thought they NEEDED to use the branded stuff, they NEEDED to be taking champagne and caviar, to be driven in limos by their chauffeurs. 
But it is a small family, not born rich. What was easy for others came with much toil for this family. And so they started working double jobs each to finance their lifestyles. But The Others are progressing well too - the Family had to do more in order to be First. Soon, it was three jobs per person. And whatever else brings in the money, whether or not they enjoyed it, whether or not it was right. And so they lived unhappily, discontentedly ever after, seldom having time for each other, seldom having time for themselves. 
Because they believed that if they weren't the richest and best, they would not even be alive.

I don't want a family like that.

I want a Singapore where the old are loved and respected.
I want a Singapore which is not based on meritocracy (then the not-intelligent people how?), but equality (hence no nepotism) and compassion (hence weak are helped).
I want a Singapore that has ideals and values, and acts based on those.
I want a Singapore where heroism, self-sacrifice and honour are lauded more than excellent results, shrewdness and wealth.
I want to be proud of Singapore simply because it is my country, and not because we've got air-con, high GDP and a great airport.

And that's the Singapore i intend to build. 
Hhmmph to you, you prosperity loving people!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Thank God Glory's safe...

The sliding door of the wardrobe in Glory's room came crashing down last night.
Right across her changing area and her bed.
At about 9:30pm, when usually she would be right at that spot, asleep or almost asleep.

As i lifted that heavy heavy door, there was a horrifying realization that even an adult lying there would have died. 

But thankfully, for some strange reason, Glory had taken a longer nap that afternoon, at a later time than usual. So she was still wide awake then. 
And for some strange reasons, Munch and i were watching Don't Forget the Lyrics that night, and we (lazily? negligently? but very fortunately) postponed her bath, which was usually at 8pm.
So when the door came crashing, Glory was taking her bath at a very uncustomary time of 9:30pm.

When we studied the door to figure out how it could just come crashing down without warning, we were quite horrified. The heavy sliding panel was held in place at the top by 2 little things like this:
If both knobs were up, the 1cm tall knobs would keep the door in place.


But if just one of the little knobs went down (by even half a cm), then there goes the door.
And we found that with a simple and light touch, the catch would be depressed and the knob would drop. 
In our case, no one even touched the catch. Was it a lizard? Gravity? Wind? The Devil?
In any case, we removed the other sliding door.

Better an ugly room with dusty things than risking THAT thing falling on my baby.

So if you know anyone who bought similar wardrobes (White Collection), or any wardrobe with sliding doors for that matter, do check that the groove is deep enough and the catch secure enough.

The thoughts of what would have happened if Glory had taken her bath/ gone to bed at her usual time horrifies me.

But thanks, those of you who are keeping Glory and my family in your prayers. 
I believe it made a difference.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Hello Fetus!

8 weeks plus!
My Embryo is now called a Fetus.
Hello Fetus!

We compared the ultrasound pic of Fetus-NewBaby to Fetus-Glory.
They look quite alike.

But of course. They're siblings.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009


miserable miserable miserable
miserable miserable miserable
i wanna go home 