My new hobby is making babies.
Yes, i'm preggie again, and my life has gone back to THIS.
Glory was only 6 months old!
I was still breastfeeding!
We ummm... took precautions!
But the nausea was too familiar, the tiredness too telling.
Munch got a test kit. Positive. We got another one. Positive.
But i'm gonna try to do better this time round:
- i'm NOT gonna push myself till my baby's underweight and my health suffers and i cry through the pregnancy. i know this is a potential pitfall for me, especially now with a baby to care for on top of work and pregnancy. My natural tendency is to kill myself trying to do it all. But i will not play the martyr this time. for one, we're getting the help of a FDW. hello, florencia! To make up for it financially, we're going for a much cheaper gynae this time. and, if necessary, i'll deliver in my bathroom instead of a one-bedder at TMC.
- i'm gonna stay in ministry, and do whatever i can to continue serving others. Remember what Carol shared - do all you can for each day.
- i'm gonna enjoy my students and keep my focus. i NEED to love them before i can do anything meaningful for them.
You know how the return journey always seems shorter than when you first made your way there? i'm hoping that it's true for repeat pregnancies as well. i remember the dreariness i felt, and how it seemed so unending. Perhaps this time round i'd be going *Pop* "Oh hey, baby's out! i didn't even notice i was pregnant!!"
We can hope, we can hope.
And by the way, making babies is NOT really my new hobby. Far from it.
I prefer making purees. it's a lot less work.