They aren't kidding when they say motherhood changes you.
And you can't say you won't let it.
Like it or not, it does.
For me, the biggest change was how my life became so out of my control. Weeks before Glory was born, i drew up a timetable for her - when to wake, pray, feed, sing, talk, read the bible, play with toys to help develop her sense of sight etc. I also drew up a list of things i wanted to accomplish - learn to play the guitar, read up on a completely new field, learn Bahasa Malayu and brush up on spoken mandarin, set the End-of-Year exam papers etc etc etc - since babies were supposed to nap like 16 hours a day, i should have all the time in the world for personal development right?
Well the timetable has been put up on the fridge, but it seems like Glory hasn't seen it yet, coz her daily routine is nothing like what i planned.
(at scheduled playtime)
Me: Look at the red ladybird! See, its wings make a crinkly sound! Grab it Glory!
Glory: ZZZzzzzzZZzz
Me: Hey! It's time for hand-eye coordination training! It's not nap time!
Glory: ZZzzzZZzzzz
(at bedtime)
Me: ZZZzzzzZZzz
Glory: slurp slurp slurp (baby language for I wanna eat)
Me: ZzzzZzzz
Glory: SLURP SLURRP SLLLUUURPPP (ie I WANNA EAT)! Thump! Thump! Thump!(tapping her crib) (baby language for "NOW")
Me: But... it's sleeping time! And you just had milk an hour ago!
Glory: THUMP THUMP THUMP!!! Ehhh!!!!!!
Me: (Surrenders and proceeds to feed her)
So what if i had a timetable drawn up, printed, and displayed on the fridge rite? She can always say she can't read.
Win already lor.
Anyway, i think the blues have passed... there were a couple of weepy and evenings and nights at the beginning. I was frustrated about intrusions of private space and time. I felt miserable that my life has changed so drastically, that i've lost all freedom, that it's gonna be this way for the next decade or more. The stitches were painful, the hemorrhoids were painful, couldn't sit properly, and couldn't poo for a week. Engorgement was painful, and i was so irritated and guilt-striken and miserable whenever anyone said Baby was hungry. And because we weren't allowed to turn the fan on, sleep, when it did come, was uncomfortable and i was drenched in perspiration the whole night.
It's all better now =)
Feeding is easier, though still too long and frequent for my liking, but i've learnt to multitask while feeding. So praying, reading, even eating etc can be done simultaneously with her feeds. Saves time, kills boredom.
Life's less miserable - munch kindly conspired to let me have non-confinement food, bathe normally and go out once in a while. We also sleep with the fan and aircon on =)
Yeah, i know... it's bad for the body, next time will kena rheumatism etc. But better an arthritic knee than an unsound mind right?
Anyway, just pray for good health lor. ;)
Glory with Cousin Natalie, who was born exactly 2 weeks after Glory.
Glory trying on the very pretty dress that Aunty Evelyn gave her.
Glory also got to meet Cousin Kate for the very first time! But the pics were all taken using Aunty Evelyn & Small-Grand-Aunty's camera...
Other pressies from Aunty Evelyn, all the way from OZ.
The yummy food that Huiping cooked & bought. And all in disposable containers so we don't have to wash up afterwards! Isn't she a smart and thoughtful darling? =) she even brought DVD and iris along, so i actually had a semblance of a social life that night =)